Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Traits Of Gifted Learners

If you first read about the incorporation of Bloom's Taxonomy on gifted education curriculums and then look at the traits of gifted students, trends and similarities begin to emerge.

The following are traits given to describe gifted learners from the Gifted Development Center. Following this link will give their actual scale used in identifying children as gifted.

Traits of gifted learners:
  • Good thinker who reasons well
  • Learns quickly
  • Has an extensive vocabulary
  • Excellent memory
  • Long attention span for subject in which they are interested
  • Sensitive
  • Shows compassion
  • Often are perfectionists
  • Intense at times
  • Morally sensitive
  • Strong curiosities
  • Perseverant in interests
  • High degree of energy
  • Often prefers to engage with adults
  • Wide range of interests
  • Good sense of humor
  • Early or avid reader
  • Concerned with justive and fairness
  • Mature judgement at times
  • Good observer
  • Vivid imagination
  • Very creative
  • Tends to question authority
  • Has facility with numbers
  • Good at jigsaw puzzles

Immediately links can be seen between these traits and the curriculum and program options discussed elsewhere. Gifted students are going to be more drawn towards assignments where they get to use higher level orders of thinking. These assignments will include directions with the following words: Synthesize, Arrange, Blend, Create, Deduce, Devise, Organize, Plan, Present, Rearrange, Rewrite.

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